Reviews Without Spoilers is a series in which I review the books I've read without giving away any more than the inside cover plot summary would. It seemed like practically everyone was reading Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. For some reason, perhaps the overwhelming popularity of the book or the silly-sounding title, I'd assumed this was a light, maybe even humorous novel. While there are certainly laugh-out-loud funny parts, my assumptions of this book were most definitely wrong. I'd gone in totally blind, not even reading a single synopsis before I started it. All I knew was that it was part of Reese's Book Club...which was likely another reason I thought it'd be a light story, considering the Hallmark-y-ness of the last Reese book I read, One Day in December (you can see my review on that book here) . I didn't even have the more-telling white version of the book's cover to go off of. So, if you'd like to be a bit more...
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